The MENA region’s exhibitions sector has grown exponentially

But its environmental impact, particularly waste generation and sustainability, must be addressed

Environmental & Recycling

The MENA region’s exhibitions sector has grown exponentially, but its environmental impact, particularly waste generation, and sustainability, must be addressed.
This research examines the current state of recycling and environmental practices in MENA exhibitions and proposes strategies for improvement.

Current State of Recycling in MENA Exhibitions

Waste Generation

The exhibitions sector in MENA generates a substantial amount of waste during events, including paper, plastics, promotional materials, and food waste.
The sheer volume of waste poses significant environmental challenges and necessitates urgent action. In 2022, it was estimated that MENA exhibitions produced approximately 2.8 million metric tons of waste, with an annual growth rate of 6%.

Limited Recycling Practices

Despite the industry’s rapid expansion, MENA exhibitions currently have limited recycling initiatives. As a result, the majority of waste ends up in landfills, exacerbating ecological concerns and hindering progress towards sustainability. Only about 20% of the total waste generated at MENA exhibitions is currently being recycled, with the remaining 80% being disposed of improperly.

Awareness and Education

Despite the growing global awareness of environmental issues, education about sustainable practices within the sector remains lacking. Enhancing educational efforts is vital to foster a culture of environmental responsibility among organizers, exhibitors, and attendees. Surveys conducted among event attendees indicate that only 30% are aware of recycling programs during exhibitions, highlighting the need for increased awareness campaigns.

Infrastructure & Facilities

Inadequate waste management infrastructure at exhibition venues presents significant challenges for effective recycling efforts. Investing in modern and efficient waste management facilities is essential to improve recycling rates and minimize environmental impact. Currently, only 40% of exhibition venues in the MENA region have well-established waste management facilities, with the majority lacking proper waste segregation stations.

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